10 Best Study Methods For Every Student To Use In 2025

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If you are a student, finding the best study methods is crucial. But it often happens that sometimes you feel stuck while studying, which can result in unproductivity. 

Studying can be fascinating and boring simultaneously, but it simply depends on the techniques and methods you use while studying. Choosing the wrong study techniques can affect your academics. 

Therefore, in this article, you will discover some best study methods that can help you study effectively and ensure you thrive in your academics. 

So, let’s get into the details below!

Top 10 Study Methods Every Student Should Use To Improve:

The better way to study is by making a routine and following some techniques that work best for you. Let’s see the satisfactory study methods that can help you in studying. 

1. Organize Your Study Area 

It has been scientifically proven that when you keep your surroundings clean, it radiates positivity. It is also believed that cleaning the area where you study helps you concentrate and build your efficacy. 

You should always try to organize your study area or table before starting to study, arrange books systematically, make a vision board that can help you memorize your goal, and keep your study materials in one spot before studying. Doing so will ensure you don’t have to get up again and again. Furthermore, keep notes maintained so that it doesn’t disturb you during revision. 

Best Study Methods - Study Area

Clean your study table once a week, and try to hang some exciting notions on your vision board that can help you in motivating. Though these things are simple, they can significantly change your study. 

2. Make Proper Notes 

Making proper notes is an essential aspect of learning. Try to maintain separate books for each subject. Don’t make notes of unnecessary things because, at the time of the revision, you can get confused about which notes are essential and which are not. 

Make Proper Notes

Noting down while studying is another scientifically proven strategy as your mind and hand work together. It is assumed that your body is in the role of concentrating more than before. 

3. Set Your Target Day Wise

Before you start studying, try to make your day target, like what subjects you will complete at what time, and make a list of topics you aim to achieve in a day as it becomes a lot easier to focus on and reduces the pressure. Having the right target makes you feel lighter at the end of the day. 

Set Your Target Day Wise

Make a list of weekdays and the topics you expect to complete that week. Having a listed target makes your study more effective. 

4. Take Regular and Necessary Breaks 

Just like change is an essential aspect of life, the same way taking a necessary break is necessary, making a schedule of studying for 2 hours and taking a break of 30 minutes. Do not use any distracting devices during your break time. Instead, take a walk in nature or make a coffee for yourself. 

This method of study helps you in building your concentration. If you keep studying for endless hours, it can make you feel like a burden and lose concentration.

5. Meditation  

The best way to relax your mind while studying is by doing meditation before you start studying. Meditation is one of the oldest techniques that help calm your mind. 


Make a routine of meditating daily while studying to bring more effectiveness to your studies.

6. Take a Regular Practice Test 

It often happens that you feel anxious and nervous at the time of your exam. To avoid this feeling, you can take a self-practice test to help you realize your weaknesses and strengths better. Take the weekly test of whatever things you have learned. The practice test will help you revise and give you a reality check.

7. Make a Routine

One proven method that can help you in a study is making a routine, avoiding using mobile phones or any distracting gadgets before sleeping, focusing on spending more time in nature in the morning, making your bed, and preparing your daily routine and following it. 

The little things in life mean taking a simple walk in nature or making your bed. All these habits teach you self-discipline and dependence.

Self-discipline can help you in following your routine peacefully. Try to complete the task in small chunks so that you can take breaks and not feel anxious.

8. Spend Time With Nature and Music

Nature acts as one of the best sources of enthusiasm. Whenever you feel stressed or feel like you don’t want to study, take a walk on your terrace or listen to some good music. Both activities act like therapy for those who do not have the necessary concentration power. 

Listen Music

9. Use The Mind Mapping Technique

If you learn through videos, then you should definitely try the Mind Mapping technique because it will help you create a diagram to organize information visually. To use this method, take a blank piece of paper, and write an idea that comes to your mind in the center of the page. Now write whatever related ideas that are coming to your mind and connect them to the central idea. That is how you use Mind mapping to study.

When you’re studying, use this method to recall the concepts visually instead of just writing them down as we all normally do. This will give you a broader perspective of any topic, and you will easily understand what the topic is really about. You will never forget any concept if you use the Mind Mapping technique to learn it.

10. Use The Feynman Technique

Physicist Richard Feynman created the Feynman Technique. It aims to fundamentally understand concepts and ensure information is truly learned rather than memorized. There are four key steps:

  1. Choose a concept to learn and explain it in simple terms as if to a child. Identify holes in your understanding.
  2. Go back to the source material and re-learn the concept. Take notes and summarize the key points in your own words.
  3. Try explaining the concept again from your notes without looking at the original source. Identify areas you still struggle with.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you can confidently explain the concept simply and concisely.

The key aspects are breaking down complex ideas, teaching them to yourself, identifying gaps, and iteratively improving your understanding. This aims to build true mastery and ability to apply concepts rather than just temporary memorization. Regular recall and explanation practice helps information stick.

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Wrapping Up: Best Study Methods (2025)

The most important method you should practice is to start training your mind how you want to. Your mind is one of the strongest parts of your body, and it acts in the way you want it to act. 

Studying can be challenging for you if you don’t follow the right routine for it. The skills mentioned above can help you in focusing more on your studies. Adopting a suitable method can save you from last-minute burnout. 

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try the methods mentioned above! 

Alvin Parker

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