Knowing the art of mixing tracks and beats and creating a masterpiece has always excited me, but I was never exposed to learning music. Not even in school.
I still had a passion for it but did not know where to start or what to do. That’s when I came across deadmau5’s MasterClass, which instantly put a smile on my face.
I mean, if I am getting the chance the learn EDM from a legend, why would I deny it?
Hence I purchased the course right away and religiously took every lesson in the course. After completing deadmau5’s MasterClass, I thought of writing a review for it.
Here we are. In this article, you’ll get to see a detailed review of deadmau5’s MasterClass, how practical the lessons are, what I liked, who it is best suited to, etc.
I also answer the verdict – “Is deadmau5’s MasterClass worth it?” in the end.
A Short Summary:
Go through the short summary of deadmau5’s MasterClass below if you have no time.
You’ll be able to learn the following:
- How to create a track
- Building a unique studio
- Learning musical theory
- Mixing and mastering beats
- Difference between digital and analog synths
- Understanding the music industry better
- How to start your music career individually
- How to create a track
- Building a unique studio
- Learning musical theory
- Mixing and mastering beats
- Difference between digital and analog synths
- Understanding the music industry better
- How to start your music career individually
Suitable for: Producers and sound engineers, aspiring DJs and music composers learning electronic music, advanced producers who would like to learn the technicalities of music, and Fans of deadmau5 can also take up his MasterClass to know some insights.
The number of lessons: 23 lessons
Duration: 5 hours
Quick verdict: The content in deadmau5’s MasterClass was not purely unique. It was about learning music that follows the same principles and fundamentals everywhere, but deadmau5 made an effort to add lessons like the difference between digital and analog synths and effective mixing techniques. He also shared his breakthrough into the industry, which was insightful to know about the music industry.
An overview of deadmau5’s MasterClass:
deadmau5’s MasterClass comprises topics like building your studio, starting your producing career, understanding the music industry, and much more in-depth coursing on electronic music production.
His MasterClass is split into 23 epic lessons with a watch time of 5 hours only.
Like every other creative course in MasterClass, you also get an additional 69-paged PDF formatted workbook to get going with deadmau5’s MasterClass.
Through his MasterClass, he breaks everything you need to know about electronic music production. There is also an active community hub available.
deadmau5’s MasterClass Lessons Explained:
Teaching about an entire industry can be seen as an impossible task. In this case, I am talking about music.
With deadmau5’s MasterClass, I can say that it is made possible. The variety of topics he covered in his lessons are limitless and beneficial at the same time.
I diligently took each lesson and would like to share it with you.
Let’s get going, shall we?
1. Knowing deadmau5
The initial lesson was quite basic, like any other introductory lesson in MasterClass.
"With my previous record deal, it'd be like, 'OK, so I have this track then, EMI - do you know any singers, maybe? Do you have any singers on your little label there?' And funnily enough, they didn't. But I prefer finding unknown singers myself anyway."
Like, deadmau5 starts narrating the essentials for music production in general and how he will teach the mixing, mastering, and making of good music.
He also mentions that he will be giving out his creative methodology and techniques, which you can only find in his MasterClass.
Later, he shares how he systematically produces music in the industry.
2. Music production – theory & practicality
"I do get freaked out sometimes. I have kids hop my fence, get into my back yard, and just start screaming at me."
Deadmau5 also discloses some studio live-stream sessions, which was great.
He even shares some exclusive tips on building multiple tracks with the same chords.
NOTE: You can also create a track worth only 23 seconds (a tip by deadmau5)
3. Building a studio
Deadmau5 shows his studio set-up and does not go away with it.
He takes the time to clearly explain how things work in his studio, what equipment he uses at his studio, and how he had set it up from scratch. It was constructive.
"Going out and being nice to the world at large doesn't make me feel good, so I replace that with things, with technology that does get me excited and does get my brain spinning, until one day it stops spinning, and then you can bury me."
You get to know that idea is more important than gear. I mean, if you do not have a solid idea of creating music, then even the expensive gear will be a waste.
Deadmau5 explains brief information about using monitors at the studio. He also says that most of the things he is doing in the studio can be replicated by you.
Some health aspect of creating music is also discussed. Like, taking care of the eardrum since you are constantly exposed to loud music all the time.
4. Sounds & melodies
The real deal with sound takes place in Lesson 5, which was exciting.
"I have back-and-forth feelings about everything a lot - it's not limited to my albums."
Deadmau5 talks about closing gaps by adding melody, resolving tunes, and in-depth teaching on harmonies. Basically, he covers related to sound.
Alert. He also uses one of his songs as a case study, making learning much easier for me to understand. You also get to learn about bass notes and how to add them to different tracks and mixes.
5. Analog Vs. Digital
Synths play a major part in electronic music production. Deadmau5 discusses the most anticipated debate between analog vs. digital synths.
"I'd be pretty saddened to hear anyone say, 'Yeah, listen to this... God, I'm awesome, the way this all sits together,' about their own work."
Like, he does not come up with a winning verdict but shares the best features about both of them and says that you can use both effectively.
I was glad he considered narrowing down the difference in Lesson 9.
Lesson 9.
6. Mixing, Molding, and Mastering
The creative finishing touch to a song is what makes it unique. You get to learn exactly that from deadmau5 in his unique style of making a great track.
"I really like the grittiness of early Amon Tobin - I'm a huge fan of his old music, and I tried to borrow from it, not emulate it. I don't love my own original work."
Along with the teaching, he also tells you how to find if a track is sound or not. I found this as an excellent tip and instantly noted it down.
He advises few techniques which can instantly transform a regular beat into something extravagant—like shaping the bass notes and using EQ for clarity.
Though he recommends and teaches techniques, he also empathizes that everything comes with a cost. In this case, hard work and dedication.
A lot of explanations on using LFO tools and compressions are also discussed.
7. Starting your musical career
Deadmau5 opens up about the music industry and how it is welcoming.
"I get to listen and enjoy music that is partially mine. Maybe influenced and guided. I created some simple outlines, but ultimately, I'm hearing a derivative work."
“I get to listen and enjoy music that is partially mine. Maybe influenced and guided. I created some simple outlines, but ultimately, I’m hearing a derivative work.”
“I get to listen and enjoy music that is partially mine. Maybe influenced and guided. I created some simple outlines, but ultimately, I’m hearing a derivative work.”
Things like preparing yourself, building a personal, and marketing your music are neatly explained to avoid getting confused about where or how to start.
You also get some motivating and inspirational advice on making it as a producer.
Also, some label contracts and signing are discussed. Watch out!
8. Knowing the Music Industry
Along with stepping into the music industry, deadmau5 also talks about the industry.
"It would be cool to custom-write music for some kind of story. That'd be cool."
It was a bonus to know about an entire niche industry via an online course.
You get to learn some hidden secrets behind the industry, deadmau5’s relationship with some record-breaking labels and grow a team for yourself to stand out.
He shares his experience and how he had entered the music industry, which was interesting to know. I mean, you get to know his failures and success altogether.
What did I like about deadmau5’s MasterClass?
What did I like about deadmau5’s MasterClass?
Taking deadmau5’s MasterClass was one of the best decisions I have made. There were a few things that I loved about deadmau5’s MasterClass. They are:
Detailed Explanation 📖
I was skeptical about the theoretical part of deadmau5’s MasterClass, but deadmau5 smoothly explained it all, leading to no confusion at all.
Also, the passion that deadmau5 has for music was clearly visible through his teaching, and I felt that could be the reason why he took the effort to break down every aspect of electronic music production. It was well-explained.
Great Format 📝
Along with the teaching, it was the use of the great format that captured my attention in deadmau5’s MasterClass. I mean, the structuring was neatly done.
Deadmau5 used the same format since the beginning of his MasterClass, which is why the course went smoothly. There was no lagging of content.
Practical Knowledge 🎶
I was super glad that there was a perfect balance of theory and practical lessons. It was brilliant to learn both in deadmau5’s MasterClass.
I was initially taken aback by deadmau5’s teaching style, but then I found he was trying to merge theory lessons into his practical teaching, which ended pretty well.
- Learn To Create 🎶 Electronic Music From One of the Best DJ
- Learn How To Mix Melodies
- Easy To Understand Lessons
- Learn To Create 🎶 Electronic Music From One of the Best DJ
- Learn How To Mix Melodies
- Easy To Understand Lessons
What do I feel can be improved in deadmau5’s MasterClass?
What do I feel can be improved in deadmau5’s MasterClass?
Although I loved a few things, I noticed some downsides as I was taking deadmau5’s MasterClass. They are:
Unable to know the audience
Usually, after taking a lesson or two in an online course, you’ll get to know the target audience or who it is targeted to, but even after completing the entire course, I am still unable to.
I mean, at one point, deadmau5 is talking about the basics, and instantly he jumps to something technical about production, so it was pretty challenging to understand.
No unique content
Although the teaching pattern in music production is pretty much the same everywhere, sometimes it depends on the instructor’s teaching style.
In deadmau5’s MasterClass, it was different, but the concepts were not foreign to me. Apart from his exclusive techniques, the rest all seemed repetitive to me.
You can find some fundamentals discussed in deadmau5’s MasterClass elsewhere.
Detailed but distant
The explanation was top-notch, and each lesson was carried very well by deadmau5, but few lessons were left untouched or lightly touched.
I noticed that if a lesson gets a little too complicated, deadmau5 casually slips away to the next chapter. This does not happen in all the lessons, but very few.
Deadmau5 was distant in stepping towards explaining everything in his MasterClass.
Who is best suited for deadmau5’s MasterClass?
As mentioned earlier, it is quite difficult to target deadmau5’s MasterClass towards a specific set of audiences, but I tried my best to categorize it accordingly.
Deadmau5’s MasterClass is best suited to:
- Producers and sound engineers
- Aspiring DJs and music composers learning electronic music
- Advanced producers who would like to learn the technicalities of music
- Fans of deadmau5 can also take up his MasterClass to know some insights
- Producers and sound engineers
- Aspiring DJs and music composers learning electronic music
- Advanced producers who would like to learn the technicalities of music
- Fans of deadmau5 can also take up his MasterClass to know some insights
Although deadmau5’s MasterClass can be a bit tricky for beginners, they can survive the course entirely.
In terms of experienced producers, it can be considered a revision class. Also, even if you are freshly new, you are welcome but bear in mind the technicalities.
What is the cost of deadmau5’s MasterClass?
Undoubtedly, MasterClass has an exciting pricing plan for its users where you can buy a single course and get access to over 100+ courses on their platform.
With an All-Access Pass worth $180/- per year (billed as $15/- per month), a user has the benefit of taking multiple courses simultaneously on 10+ different niches.
For example, let me share how I productively spent a month on MasterClass.
By the end of the month, I finished the singing course by Christina Aguilera and did not pay a single penny extra because the All-Access Pass covered it all for me.
I’d recommend you take a course a week, which means you can complete four courses in a month. Trust me, this way, you can build multiple skills simultaneously.
Alternatives to deadmau5’s MasterClass:
If you are not satisfied with deadmau5’s teaching or his MasterClass entirely, here are some other excellent options that I found while searching for deadmau5’s MasterClass. They are:
The best part is that you can find all the alternative courses to deadmau5’s MasterClass listed above in MasterClass itself. I mean, you also don’t have to additionally pay if you have paid for deadmau5’s MasterClass once.
With the power of All-Access Pass, you can take all the alternatives either altogether simultaneously or take one by one for better understanding. It is your choice, but make sure to take multiple courses to get the most benefit from the All-Access Pass.
Final verdict – “Is deadmau5’s MasterClass worth it In 2025?”
After taking every single lesson from deadmau5’s MaserClass religiously, I guess I might have the answer to the verdict. I would say yes and no, hear me out.
The content was not purely unique because it was about learning music that follows the same principles and fundamentals everywhere. It is not deadmau5’s fault.
I realized that deadmau5 additionally made an effort to add lessons like the difference between digital and analog synths and effective mixing techniques.
Along with the teaching, the helpful advice now and then kept me going throughout the course. Deadmau5 also shared his breakthrough into the industry, which was insightful to know about the music industry. He spilled some tea about it as well.
Some lessons in deadmau5’s MasterClass might seem very basic to experienced producers, but it can freshen up their memory and make them learn deadmau5’s style of music production, which is versatile and easy to grasp.
Also, it is evident that no course on the internet promises you to become a famous star overnight; hence deadmau5 emphasizes that too. Like, he says along with luck and chances, you have to work hard and stay focused on what you do.
I was learning music from another legend, Armin Van Buuren, simultaneously while taking deadmau5’s MasterClass using the All-Access Pass, which was very helpful.
I mean, with few learnings from deadmau5 and some practical knowledge acquired from Armin Van Buuren’s MasterClass, I was able to learn music entirely.
So, I’d suggest you do the same or maybe take multiple courses from other exceptional instructors like Hans Zimmer and Tom Morello using the All-Access Pass.
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